Tax Enquiry Fee Protection Service | CloudCo Accountants
fee protection service

Fee Protection Service

Tax Investigation Protection

CloudCo Accountancy Group helps you to protect against spiralling costs caused by an HMRC tax investigation with our annual Fee Protection scheme. Contact us for a free consultation.

A simple and small three lettered word – tax can have complicated and huge implications. Being a business, it might not be news for you that HMRC conducts Tax and VAT investigations. At Cloudco Group, we stay updated with all the latest advances in legislations and tax policies. We can surely save you from the risk of an investigation which might otherwise come as a surprise to you. As soon as you learn about any claim or enquiry from the HMRC, you inform us.

Group fee protection services

Now, it can be a costly and time-consuming affair for you. The HMRC uses refined databases to set off more than 80% of tax enquiries whose data is readily available for review to the HMRC investigators. In case any discrepancies are detected in your tax returns sent to them, then a tax enquiry is sure to tag along.

Getting a tax investigation might prove to be costly, and a readily available support might be your only saviour when it comes. Cloudco Accountancy Group will offer you best services. To cover you in times of Tax investigation, you can avail our group fee protection service.

tax protection service
fee protection accountant

You can cover for up to £100,000 of fees under circumstances involving following tax enquiries

  • Income Tax Full Enquiry (complete review of your records)
  • Income Tax Aspect Enquiry (explanation of particular entries)
  • Tax Enquiries claiming tax returns not submitted within 90 days of the statutory deadline
  • Business Inspection Notice
  • VAT and Employer Compliance checks
  • VAT Disputes (challenge that returns are incomplete)
  • IR35 Disputes/ CIS disputes / CIS Enquiries/ Employment Status (Disagreement over whether IR35 applies)
  • PAYE/INC/Disputes and checks for compliance (Challenge that returns are incomplete)
  • Personal Tax Return Enquiry (Aspect or Full Enquiry)
  • Enquiry related to criminal prosecution under Civil Investigation of Fraud (Code of Practice 9)
  • Enquiry pertinent to any penalties, taxes, interests or other duties
  • Enquiry for claims made or instigated outside of territorial limits
  • Enquiry for not providing notification of claim within period of insurance

FREE Consultation

Allow us to defend you and assist you in the right manner so that your business functions smoothly. To know more about the service, get in touch with us. We also offer free access to a 24/7 legal helpline which includes health and safety, business legal advice for legal contracts, landlord or tenant issues, property issues and employment matters.