How do you draw dividends from a company? - CloudCo Accountants

How do you draw dividends from a company?

Company directors reviewing dividend withdrawals

As a company owner, you can maximise your take-home pay in the most tax-efficient way by maximising dividends, but they can be pretty challenging.

The company directors are typically the ones to declare dividends, which are payouts given to shareholders. Quarterly or yearly dividend payments are common. How the business is doing financially will determine this. A return on investment for shareholders is the dividend distribution.

If you own a limited company, one of the primary ways to obtain some of the firm’s money is to take dividends. This is because, in contrast to running a business as a sole trader, how much profit generated rightfully belongs to the firm?

Companies often distribute a portion of their earnings to their shareholders as dividends. The firm profits remain after paying all taxes, costs, and obligations.

Occasionally referred to as “retained profits”, this leftover money has the potential to grow over time. The Companies Act 2006 mandates a formal process to be followed when issuing dividends.

Everything you need to know about dividends is covered here, from what they are to when to draw them. Let’s get started!

What are dividends?

When limited companies pay out their profits to their shares owned, it’s called a dividend. This money remains after deducting all business-related costs and obligations and any taxes that may be owed (such as corporation tax or VAT).

Over time, the company’s bank account can have accumulated this retained profit, which refers to the surplus of earnings that have not been distributed as dividends. Paying yourself dividends and a small salary could be beneficial if you manage a small business.

Is drawing out dividends more tax-efficient than getting paid a salary from my company?

Several variables determine whether taking dividends or salary is more tax efficient. The dividend tax rate is often lower than the income tax rate, which means that dividends can be subject to a lower tax than salary.

Dividends paid out by limited company directors are subject to income tax at various rates, with a tax-free dividend allowance for those who fall into a specific tax band.

When deciding between a salary and dividends, it’s essential to consider your total income, personal situation, and any changes to tax regulations.

Despite the potential tax benefits of dividends, salaries go into national insurance contributions, which impacts benefits like State pension contributions. A combination of salary and dividends could be considered for optimal tax efficiency.

Talk to a tax expert or an accountant specialising in limited liability companies like Cloudco Group for tailored advice to your business. Our expert knowledge of the latest tax laws allows you to achieve your financial objectives while being compliant. Contact us today.

What to consider before taking out dividends

There are many essential factors that shareholders and directors must consider when a limited company pay dividends.

Availability of company profits

Before taking it out, the limited company directors must ensure the company has enough money for dividend payments.

An analysis of the company’s financial accounts, considering things like net income, retained profits, and any existing director’s loan account, is usually the best way to determine the availability of profits.

It may not be wise to pay dividends if the business has accrued losses or has obligations to pay off. Directors have a legal obligation to look out for the company’s best interests, and they risk legal trouble if they take dividends when the business can’t afford them.

Income tax

When directors and shareholders receive dividends, they should know the potential income tax band. Dividends are taxed, and shareholders may have to include them in personal tax return filings. To pay tax, one must consider potential tax relief, dividend tax rates, and shareholders’ personal income.

For shareholders to receive dividends and make educated choices based on their overall tax planning, directors should be clear on the possible tax implications.

Corporation tax

Limited companies should consider how a dividend payment may affect the business’s tax situation. Profits earned by businesses are liable to corporation tax.

A dividend payment could affect a company’s tax liabilities by lowering the taxable portion of retained profits. Directors must seek advice from tax experts to familiarise themselves with the detailed tax rules that govern dividend payment. A limited company can maximise its tax position and adhere to tax rules with proper tax planning.

Director and shareholder responsibilities

The choice of a total dividend payable heavily depends on the actions of the directors, who must fulfil their duties with utmost attention. Under the Companies Act, directors must prioritise the company and shareholders’ best interests.

Directors should consider the company’s financial situation, including business expenses, in the long run. On the other side, shareholders need to know their rights and duties. Issuing dividends and other crucial financial decisions can be voted according to company laws.

When making decisions that can affect their economic interests, shareholders should be attentive to the company’s financial data.

What is the process for dividend payments?

To guarantee a seamless transfer of profits to shareholders, the process for dividend payments entails many crucial steps:

  • A comprehensive financial analysis is carried out before paying limited company dividends. The directors check the company’s income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement to see whether there are any distributable profits.
  • The board of directors usually decides whether or not to issue limited company dividends. The dividend income, record date, and payment date are all officially outlined in a resolution voted at a board meeting.
  • Not all shareholders can receive dividends; the record date is essential. To be eligible for the payout, shareholders must be on record as of this date. In most cases, the dividend declaration will specify the record date, which is decided upon by the board.
  • The limited company formally declares a dividend after board approval. The dividend record, payment date, and the amount per share are detailed in this dividend voucher. The information is then shared with only shareholders who are eligible.
  • Two working days before the record date is usually when the ex-dividend date is determined. No dividend will be paid to shareholders whose shares are acquired after the ex-dividend date. This prevents anyone from trading a company’s shares at the last minute only to collect dividends.
  • Regulatory compliance relies on accurate reporting and recordkeeping. The limited company handles the dividend declaration, board decisions, and other paperwork. The dividend payments are also included in the revised financial statements and tax reports.
  • Maintaining open lines of communication with shareholders is always critical. Companies can gain shareholders’ trust by following this systematic approach to ensure dividends are paid effectively.

Consult with a limited company accountant before drawing out dividends

Seek the advice of a qualified accountant with expertise in corporate finance, like Cloudco Group, before drawing dividends from a limited company. Hiring an accountant can help you gauge the company’s financial stability, ensure the money is available to pay out and understand the tax on dividends. Get in touch with us today.


One way to maximise personal allowance is by using dividends. To take advantage of the basic rate without having to pay national insurance contributions, topping up with dividends is a tax-effective strategy.

How and when you get your dividends depends on your individual situation, as every company is unique. Consult an accountant to ensure you do what’s best for your company!