Can you rollover capital gains tax? | Advantages vs Drawbacks

Can you rollover capital gains tax?

Can you rollover capital gains tax?

Are you a company owner or property investor trying to claim rollover relief to reduce your capital gains tax liability? Understanding rollover relief, which allows you to defer capital gains tax when certain requirements are met, could help you manage your capital gain tax burden more effectively.

Selling assets is a regular element of running a business. Whether you’re updating equipment, growing your business, or selling underperforming assets, these transactions can be profitable. But there’s a catch: those profits are subject to capital gains tax, which is a tax on the difference between the selling price and the original purchase price of an asset.

Rollover or rollover relief allows taxpayers to defer capital gains tax by reinvesting the profits of the sale of an asset in a similar asset, deferring the tax burden until a later period.

What is business asset rollover relief?

Rollover relief allows a trader to avoid paying capital gains tax when the sale proceeds of a business asset are reinvested in a new business asset.

Business asset rollover relief is a tax relief mechanism that allows taxpayers to defer capital gains tax by reinvesting the profits from selling an asset into a similar asset.

This deferral postpones the tax liability to later, allowing businesses to reinvest and grow without immediate tax consequences.

How does rollover relief work?

Rollover relief is a tax-saving approach that allows taxpayers to defer capital gains tax by reinvesting the earnings from the sale of an asset in a comparable asset.

Instead of paying tax on the profit on the sale of an asset right away, this rollover relief allows you to roll the gain over into a new asset, deferring the tax liability until a later date.

Here’s a step-by-step explanation of how rollover relief works:

  •  Sale of Asset: The procedure begins with selling a qualified item, such as machinery, equipment, or property, that has increased in value since its purchase.
  •  Capital Gain Calculation: Calculate the capital gain by deducting the original purchase price (cost basis) from the selling price.
  •  Reinvestment: Reinvest the sale proceeds in a new, similar asset within a certain duration. This might be additional equipment for your firm or a property similar to the one sold.
  •  Tax Deferral: You can delay your capital gains tax due by reinvesting the proceeds in a new asset. The tax is deferred until you sell the new asset without reinvesting the proceeds.
  • Future Taxation: The deferred capital gains tax will be owed when you sell the new asset without reinvesting. However, if you continue reinvesting the proceeds from one asset sale into another, you can defer your tax payment indefinitely.

How do you qualify for rollover relief?

Rollover relief is only offered to traders who sell an eligible asset and reinvest all or a portion of the proceeds in the same trade for another qualifying asset.

The most prevalent categories of qualified assets are trade-related land and buildings, goodwill for unincorporated enterprises, and fixed plant and machinery.

What qualifies as a new asset?

Common qualifying assets are:

  • Trade-related land and buildings
  • Goodwill for unincorporated businesses
  • Fixed plant and machinery

Rollover relief on business assets

To qualify for the Business Asset Rollover Relief:

  • Buy them within three years of selling or disposing of the old ones (or up to one year before).
  • Sell the old assets while your firm is still operational. – Use both the old and new assets in your business.
  • You can seek relief for assets such as:
    Land, buildings, and permanent machinery, such as printing presses.

Rollover relief on property

Rollover relief on the property allows property investors and company owners to delay the payment of capital gains tax by reinvesting the proceeds from selling one property into another qualified property.

This tax relief mechanism allows taxpayers to postpone their tax due, allowing them to utilise the revenues to fund future investments and business growth.

Benefits of rollover relief

Look at the tax benefits of rollover relief, examining the advantages from several angles and providing detailed information on how to make the most of this process.

  • Deferral of Capital Gains Tax: The fundamental tax advantage of rollover relief is the opportunity to postpone capital gains tax. Taxpayers can postpone paying the capital gains tax CGT. Until they sell the new asset by reinvesting the revenues from the sale of an eligible replacement. This postponement can be especially beneficial for individuals or corporations wishing to reinvest their cash while retaining liquidity.
  • Business Growth: Rollover relief fosters reinvestment in the business, allowing for expansion, innovation, and the creation of new jobs.
  • Cash Flow: Rollover relief preserves cash flow by deferring tax payments, allowing businesses to keep liquidity and finance day-to-day operations more efficiently.
  • Flexibility in Asset Reinvestment: Rollover relief allows taxpayers to choose the replacement asset. The qualified asset does not have to be the same as the sold asset; it can be of a different type or even in a different industry. This adaptability enables individuals and corporations to tailor their investment plans to market conditions and seize opportunities matching their financial objectives.

Drawbacks of rollover relief

Here are the drawbacks of rollover relief:

  • Tax Liability: While rollover relief defers capital gains tax, taxpayers are still required to pay taxes if they sell the new asset without reinvesting the income, which could result in a larger tax burden in the future.
  • Complexity and Compliance: Using rollover relief needs careful preparation, paperwork, and adherence to tax regulations, which can raise taxpayers’ administrative costs and complexity.
  • Market Risks: Investing in new assets has inherent market risks such as asset price volatility, economic downturns, and changes in market circumstances, all of which can impact the overall return on investment.

Get capital gains tax advice with Cloudco Group

Cloudco Group’s experienced tax professionals can provide comprehensive advice and direction on how to manage your capital gains tax burden through rollover relief.


Rollover or claim rollover relief is a useful tool for both business owners and property investors. Deferring capital gains tax allows you to maximise cash flow and strategically reinvest income for business growth.

However, because of the complexity involved, you should speak with a tax specialist like Cloudco Group to ensure you qualify for and maximise the benefits of rollover relief.

Frequently asked questions about rolling over capital gains tax

Does rollover relief only work for business assets?

No, rollover relief isn’t just for corporate assets. In some jurisdictions, it may also apply to specific types of personal assets, such as investment properties. However, the particular rules and qualifying criteria may differ based on your area. To determine whether rollover relief applies to your individual circumstances, you should always consult a tax specialist who is knowledgeable about local legislation.

Can rollover relief be claimed for losses?

Rollover relief is largely intended to defer capital gains tax payments arising from the sale of an asset. It is not meant to mitigate losses directly carrying on a trade. Depending on the applicable tax laws and regulations, losses incurred from the sale of an asset may be used to offset profits from other assets during the same tax year or carried forward to future tax years.